Pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team games tournament terhadap hasil belajar siswa

Voteteknika (Vocational Teknik Elektronika dan Informatika)(2018)

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The purpose of this research is to know difference on learning outcome of the Electrical Fundamental using cooperative learning of Tean Games Tournament method by the 10th Grade studemts at SMK Penerbangan Nusantara Ketaping in 2017-2018 period. The type of this research is experimental with the post-test only control group design. The Sample of this research is 10th Grade Students at SMK Penerbangan Nusantara Ketaping in 2017-2018 period. The experiment class uses cooperative learning Team Games Tournament method which is AP-1 10th Grade and the Control class uses Direct Learning method which is AP-2 10th Grade. The data of learning outcome is the value post-test. Then, the data is analyzed for normalities, homogenities, and hypothesis treatment. From this research, the experimental class got the average score 85,79, meanwhile the control class got average score 76, 27. The result of this research shows that there is a significant differences since α=0, 05 is gotten tobserved > ttable like (3, 680 > 1,668), because of tobserved is bigger from ttable, so the blank hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Cooperative learning Team Games Tournament method gives the bigger enhancement on learning outcome about 12, 48% than direct learning method. The Conclusion is cooperative learning Team Games Tournament method is better than direct learning method.Keywords: learning outcome, cooperative learning Team Games Tournament method, direct learning method, Post-Test Only Control Group Design, experimental, and control.
terhadap hasil pembelajaran siswa,games,model
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