Wrong way home: an infant southern elephant seal (mirounga leonina) arrival on southeastern brazilian beaches

Salvatore Siciliano,Paula Baldassin,Rachel Ann Hauser-Davis,Luis Felipe S. P. Mayorga,Sérgio C. Moreira, Tatiane B. Vieira, Ivan A. Ribeiro, Renata F. Buffa,Carlos Eduardo S. de Amorim

Boletim do Laboratório de Hidrobiologia(2020)

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Records of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) as vagrants along the SE Brazilian coast date back the late 50’s and have been relatively common over the last decades. These large marine mammals usually call much attention when they arrive on tropical beaches worldwide and are generally treated as ‘occasional visitors’ and ‘vagrants’. This note reports on sightings of a youngelephant seal along SE Brazil in the summer and autumn of 2020. We also reviewed records in both the literature and open sources, totaling eight records of infant southern elephant seals known since the late 70’s along the Brazilian coast. It was noted that the arrival of an infant in February of 2020is coincident with a previous cyclonic activity off the SE and NE Brazilian coast. The connection of such unlikely records of pinnipeds on tropical beaches and extreme weather events associated to ocean currents should be better evaluated in the context of climatic change
infant southern elephant seal,mirounga leonina
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