Looking for Communicative Sinergy Between Generators and Consumers of Açaí Pulp Production Waste with Software Prototyping/ Procurando uma sinergia comunicativa entre geradores e consumidores de Açaí Resíduos de produção de celulose com Protótipo de software

Jefferson Junior Alves da Silva, Ítalo Flexa Di Paolo,Wanderson Alexandre da Silva Quinto, Adriano Cesar Calandrini Braga, Denilson Ricardo de Lucena Nunes, André Cristiano Silva Melo

Brazilian Journal of Development(2021)

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In Northern Brazil, many açaí producers have difficulties and are even unaware of methods that can be used to treat the waste from their production. There are many reports on how this waste is disposed of and several methods are not advisable due to poor compliance with Federal Law no. 12,305/2010, which established the National Solid Waste Policy. On the other hand, some industrial segments or links of large, medium, and small size are interested in this waste for use in different branches of activity; however, there is no computational tool that guarantees integration between such segments, which prevents waste from flowing. These processes are linked to reverse logistics and revaluation with waste recycling. In this regard, the main objective of our work is to promote an experiment platform to serve as “evolutionary prototyping” that meets the development of software in an agile, incremental, iterative approach and synergistically integrates the links of the production chain, increasing assertiveness in açaí solid waste management throughout Pará.
açaí pulp production waste,açaí resíduos de produção,software
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