Indicator Approach to the Failure of Critical Road Transportation Infrastructure Elements

Transportation Research Procedia(2021)

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Security research is currently aimed at creating comprehensive solutions and measurable qualitative and quantitative parameters. One way is to create a system of indicators. Indicators can be understood to be data, information, knowledge, properties and many other variables. An indicator can be anything that has a certain telling value for evaluators or users, according to which it is possible to compare individual indicators with each other, to derive a validation result from them or to measure set goals according to them. Using indicators for expression is common in many areas. It is very rational, unambiguous, and therefore indicators are considered to be an informational tool that can be used to easily and clearly present changes in the monitored state. Based on this characterization, they allow the user to predict the future development or possible consequences of disruptive events to some extent. For this reason, they are also becoming an ideal tool for indicating the failure of critical elements of transport infrastructure. The paper presents the relational research of indicators, which provides a comprehensive framework of definitions and classification of indicators or an analysis of approaches and methods using indicators in the field of the protection of land transport infrastructure. The aim of this paper is to define the theoretical basis for the use of indicators in the process of indicating the failure of critical elements of land transport infrastructure, which will complement the existing possibilities of protection of these elements.
Transport infrastructure,Structures,Element functions,Resilience,Indicators,Access
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