Analysis of Shock-wave Boundary Layer Interaction in Compressible Flows over Rigid and Flexible Surfaces


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The hypersonic and supersonic aerodynamics usually involve significant shock-wave boundary layer interaction. This work introduces a specialized force partitioning method to analyze the flow features in shock-wave boundary layer interaction problems over rigid and flexible walls. The pressure force on the wall is partitioned into different components based on the flow conditions and employed to investigate separate the effects of primary flow structures. It is discussed that for a laminar shock-wave boundary layer interaction, only contributions from density gradient, vorticity field, and inviscid far-field flow are important. The effect of wall temperature and panel flexibility on each force partition is also explored, and it is shown that wall temperature has an opposite effect on the contribution from density-gradient and vorticity-induced forces. While the effect of wall temperature on the results is significant, panel flexibility does not have a substantial role in the forces' partitions in the cases considered in this work. Finally, a portion of the rigid wall is approximated as a fixed-fixed beam, and the effect of wall temperature on the partitions of the generalized force corresponding to each vibrational mode of the surface vibration is studied. The results suggest that the vorticity-induced partition of the generalized force for different modes is less sensitive to the changes of wall temperature compared to the density-gradient partition of the generalized force for the corresponding mode.
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Key words
flexible surfaces,compressible,boundary,shock-wave
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