Health and recreational motional activity of elderly people in different countries of the world

L.V. Balatska,A.V. Hakman, L.I. Timchuk, I.Yu. Nakonechnу

Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports)(2021)

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The article considers and collects material from both international research and domestic sources that reflect the health and recreational physical activity of the elderly in Europe and the whole world as well as the motives for involvement in this age group. The results of the analysis of the questionnaire, which assessed the involvement of the elderly showed low health and recreational physical activity in different countries, ranging from 10 to 80%, and the activity of men is higher than women. About 40% of the population of the Netherlands and Germany are engaged in physical activity, and as for Belgium, France, Sweden, the indicator is less than 20%. In Spain, Finland, Canada, and the United Kingdom, government programs implemented in 13 pilot regions of the country over four years indicated a threefold increase in the number of seniors who regularly attend group exercise classes. In the United States, the population that is systematically engaged in physical activity is dominated by the population of Euros and Latinos, but African Americans are less active - up to 6%. In African countries physical activity is being decreased among the adult population. The main reasons for that include lack of knowledge of citizens about classes, poor promotion of programs among the population. The survey of the Chinese population on regular exercise during the week of the elderly in the range of 60-69 years showed 11.8%. According to research in Ukraine, only 17% of people of retirement age go in for exercise or sports
Exercise,Physical Activity
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