Cost-engineering components for preventing economic destruction in the activities of participants of construction development projects

Management of Development of Complex Systems(2021)

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The article is devoted to solving the scientific problem of developing theoretical provisions and providing methodological and applied recommendations for improving approaches to economic assessment and substantiation of engineering projects of construction enterprises. The relevance of scientific research is due to the need to implement a large-scale program for updating the technical and technological base of most domestic enterprises based on replacing outdated types of equipment, technologies and models of construction production management, as well as improving methodological approaches to organizing and managing an enterprise. A significant amount of work on the development and implementation of these measures can be carried out by specialized organizations - engineering firms. However, the feasibility of purchasing their services by construction companies requires a preliminary justification through the development of appropriate engineering projects. Cost engineering as a complex solution to the Customer's problems is indeed a topical product that will increasingly be in demand on the market. Especially in the current conditions, when the key task for any company is to reduce costs, both during the construction phase and during the operation of the facility. The cost engineering of investment and construction projects is closely related to the concepts: project risk management, complex project cost management (TCM - total cost management). Integrated project management can use all methods and tools of value engineering, such as technology audit, price audit, earned value methodology, etc.
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