The Use, Validity, and Translational Utility of Animal Models of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Handbook of Posttraumatic Stress(2021)

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The mechanisms underlying clinical abnormalities associated with PTSD remain unresolved. Clinical investigations are critical to the study of PTSD epidemiology and treatment; yet, these investigations typically use retrospective designs, which introduce concern for establishing time-precedence of cause and pre-morbidity factors. In contrast to clinical investigations, animal models of PTSD allow for a greater level of experimental control and access to more direct investigation of underlying putative mechanisms and pathogenesis. Researchers have used early life, physical, and psychosocial stressors, alone or in combination, to model features of PTSD. In this review, we contend that research using animal models of PTSD has the capacity to address many of the limitations and gaps evident in clinical research alone. We discuss key research questions related to the etiological mechanisms of PTSD that can be uniquely addressed using these models. Specific paradigms currently established for animal models of PTSD are reviewed to evaluate overall efficacy, assess paradigm-specific validity, determine translational value, and address shortcomings or limitations. The chapter concludes with an overall evaluation of the various paradigms for animal models of PTSD to determine the most promising approach currently established and suggestions on future directions.
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posttraumatic stress,animal models
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