Berichtigung: A Multiple Chirality Switching Device for Spatial Light Modulators

Angewandte Chemie(2021)

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The authors of this Communication have noticed a mistake in the polymer structure of R-FLMA in Figure 3 A. The originally depicted and the correct structure are shown below. The related description on page 2048, line 31, “Therefore, a chiroptical polymer switch (R-FLMA) was designed and synthesized by grafting the active chiroptical molecular switch (S-Flu-A) into transparent polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) chains as shown in Figure 3 A.” should be changed to “Therefore, a chiroptical polymer switch (R-FLMA) was designed and synthesized by grafting the active chiroptical molecular switch (R-Flu-A) into transparent polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) chains as shown in Figure 3 A.” This incorrect structure also appeared in Scheme S3, Figure S20 and S21B of the Supporting Information. In addition, the related discussion in Figure S8, “The R-FLMA-1/2 belonged to the ‘R’ chiral configuration, which was opposite to S-Flu-A.” should be changed to “The grafted chiroptical molecular switch was R-Flu-A, thus this polymer was called R-FLMA and its base-responsive CD changing trends were opposite to S-Flu-A.” A revised Supporting information with appropriate corrections is published along with this Corrigendum. The authors sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this mistake and emphasize that this Corrigendum does not influence the analysis of the experimental results or the conclusion of this manuscript.
multiple chirality switching device
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