Measuring the Impact of Coronavirus at Grassroot Level in Pakistan: Perils, Pitfalls and Preventive Strategies

Empirical Economic Review(2020)

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At the forefront of strategists and policymakers' minds stand the catastrophic circumstances of COVID-19 in Pakistan. Severe trauma of unprecedented economic shocks and financial crises brought the country's mechanism to experience a sudden halt. It is necessary to consider how to accelerate recovery and mitigate the spread of negative consequences affecting sectors, industries, institutions, and diverse ventures. Amidst the existing vulnerabilities imposed by inadequate resources and constrained mobility of necessities, the sustainable measures balancing costs and benefits will equip Pakistani communities to fight the corona war proficiently. We analyze the size of adversities hurting various types of individuals, variations in an inflow of economic and financial activities, and reactions to massive disturbances, albeit to different levels. Aligned with in-depth insights and findings, the development of preventive strategies in these desperate times can protect Pakistan's economy from long-lasting disruptions, landing on the safe zone over the coming years. Received Date: October 13, 2020 Last Received: December 10, 2020 Acceptance: December 30, 2020
coronavirus,grassroot level,pakistan
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