Viable Second Trimester Cervical Ectopic Pregnancy Managed Successfully with Uterine Preservation: Case Report

Suzan Elsharkawy,Abdullah Elrashidy, Nazem Badran, Gawed Ekbal, Shahda Yakob, Salamah Elnagar,Ashraf Elaggan, Amr Mostafa, Mohamed Abdelaziz

Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology(2021)

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Cervical pregnancy is a rare clinical entity that accounts for less than 1% of all ectopic pregnancies. It results from implantation of the blastocyst in the cervical canal below the level of the internal os. Although non-tubal ectopic pregnancies account for only 5% of ectopics, they contribute to a significant morbidity. The cornerstone in the management of cervical ectopic is early diagnosis by high index of suspension and a qualified sonographer. Management options for cervical ectopic pregnancies range from conservative drug treatment to radical hysterectomy. Over the last few years, the mortality and morbidity rates of ectopic pregnancies have been reduced. This is mainly due to the early recognition of the condition and the wide availability of minimally invasive surgical procedures. We present a case of a 33-year-old woman that was 16 weeks pregnant. She presented initially with recurrent vaginal bleeding followed by minimal lower abdominal pain. Her early US scans were misleading. Several weeks later, a follow up MRI scan suggested cervical ectopic. She was managed surgically with uterine preservation.
uterine preservation,pregnancy,cervical
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