Systematically embedding child and youth participation in Tusla's culture, practices and processes Key findings from an evaluation of national training for staff

Understanding System Change in Child Protection and Welfare(2022)

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Of fundamental significance to Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and as enshrined in domestic Irish law (1991 Child Care Act; 2013 Child and Family Agency Act) is a child’s right to participate in decisions that directly affect them. By children participating in this kind of decision, it also serves a developmental function supporting positive psychosocial development, increased self-esteem and well-being. Despite this legislative underpinning, the actual practice of implementing children’s participation often lags behind the aspiration. Recognising this need to systematically embed children’s participation in Tusla services, the Prevention, Partnership and Family Support (PPFS) programme included a specific work package on Children’s Participation. One of the most significant initiatives implemented from this menu of work was Tusla’s Child and Youth Participation Training, introduced in late 2016. The aim of this chapter is to explore core learning from an evaluation of Tusla’s national training programme for staff, designed to help embed participation across the organisation’s culture, practices and processes.
youth participation,tusla,culture
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