Lingüística aplicada crítica y multilectoescrituras: dos lentes incluyentes para la realidad multilingüe e intercultural de México

Mario Enrique López Gopar,William Sughrua, Edwin Nazaret León Jiménez


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The goal of this paper is to present two theoretical concepts: critical applied linguistics and multiliteracies. It is argued that these two concepts can provide a theoretical framework where the intercultural and multilingual situation of Mexico and the social practices of vulnerable groups, such as indigenous groups, can be seen in a positive light, as opposed to the deficit models regularly used to see these groups. First, a succinct historical account of applied linguistics is presented, concluding this section with the description of critical applied linguistics. Then, the concept of multiliteracies is presented, focusing on the notions of multimodality and design. The paper concludes making connections between critical applied linguistics and multiliteracies with the cultural situation of Mexico.
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