The Use of Activated Sludge Biomass for Cleaning of Wastewater from Dairy Enterprises

Anatoliy l. Svjatenko, Olga V. Novokhatko,Alona V. Pasenko,Oksana V. Maznytska,Tatyana M. Rotai, Larysa E. Nykyforova, Konrad Gromaszek, Almagul Bizhanova,Aidana Kalabayeva

Biomass as Raw Material for the Production of Biofuels and Chemicals(2021)

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Recently, there has been a problem of water quality deterioration in the surface water bodies. There is an increase in the content of organic pollutants, nitrogen, and phosphorus compounds in the water of water bodies. This contributes to the intensive development of algae, other mass forms of aquatic organisms and leads to the disruption of the ecological balance in open water bodies. The problem of developing technological methods for anaerobic biological wastewater treatment of dairy enterprises using activated sludge biomass was solved. The advantages of anaerobic digestion of the above-mentioned wastewater from an environmental and economic point of view were shown. The most significant is the minimum energy consumption and a significantly smaller increase in biomass. The composition and properties of excess activated sludge formed at the treatment facilities were determined. The physicochemical aspects of the methanogenesis process were investigated. The sequence of biochemical reactions during the anaerobic wastewater treatment of dairies was established and its features were determined. The factors that negatively affect the process of preliminary fermentation of wastewater of dairies were considered. The patterns of anaerobic wastewater treatment of dairy industry enterprises were determined. They suggest the use of specific fermentation modes of highly contaminated wastewater. In order to intensify the traditional anaerobic wastewater treatment, it is proposed to introduce adapted anaerobic microflora into the wastewater. The recommendations on the dose rate of wastewater loading into the digester during their purification under thermophilic conditions were developed. An optimal ratio between the highly contaminated wastewater from dairies and anaerobic activated sludge was proposed. In general, the results of the studies allow us to make adjustments to the technological modes of the biological wastewater treatment of dairy enterprises in order to increase its efficiency. The results of the study and practical recommendations can be used in the implementation of environmental measures at the regional level.
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Key words
activated sludge biomass,wastewater,dairy enterprises,cleaning
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