A preventív és proaktív fogászati azonosítás bevezetése és jelentősége tömegkatasztrófa áldozat azonosításkor

Botond Simon, Ajang Armin Farid,János Vág

Scientia et Securitas(2021)

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Összefoglaló. A modern kriminalisztika interdiszciplináris területe a tömegkatasztrófa áldozat azonosítás. A katasztrófát általában egy előre nem látható esemény okozza, amelyben mind az emberi, mind pedig az anyagi kár jelentős. Napjainkban az áldozatazonosítás folyamata reaktív módon történik, tehát az azonosításhoz szükséges dokumentáció az esemény bekövetkezése után kerül összegyűjtésre. A fogászati ante-mortem (AM) adatokat előre, hatóságilag egy központi adatbázisban, preventív jelleggel, kötelező módon nem tárolják. A preventív AM adatbázis létrehozása felgyorsíthatja és költséghatékonnyá teheti az áldozatazonosítást, mert a jelenlegi reaktív módszer helyett preventív módon, proaktív jelleggel kerülne sor az azonosításra. Summary. Mass disaster identification is an interdisciplinary field of modern forensic science. A disaster is usually caused by an unforeseen event in which both human and material damage is significant. Nowadays, the victim identification process is reactive, i.e., the authorities react to the event that has occurred and collect the necessary documentation for identification after the event has taken place. Primary identifiers include fingerprints, DNA and dental records. In mass casualty incidents, teeth are usually the most common means of identifying victims. However, dental ante-mortem (AM) documentation is not stored in advance in a central database as a preventive measure. The creation of a preventive AM database could speed up and make victim identification cost-effective, because it would be done in a preventive and proactive way instead of the current reactive method. The quality of the AM documentation would be guaranteed to be good and accurate, so that post-mortem (PM) data collected in the field can be easily and efficiently compared by a smart pattern recognition software, increasing the likelihood of successful identification. The introduction of digital health involves not only security and technology, but also cultural change. In Hungary, from 2020 onwards, the private sector will be obliged to provide data to the National eHealth Infrastructure (Elektronikus Egészségügyi Szolgáltatási Tér, EESZT), so digital health information will be stored in a centralized system, which can improve the quality of ante-mortem documentation. When identifying victims, it is important to have biometric identifiers that are resistant to environmental influences, have individual characteristics, are easy to collect and compare with reference information, and can be stored and used in a cost-effective way. The palatal ridge has been shown to meet the above properties. The development of digital dentistry and the involvement of the dental sector in data collection will facilitate the work of forensic dental experts, enabling the state to ensure effective identification and subsequent dignified farewells and burials for its citizens in the event of a mass disaster. According to the principle of operation of the preventive AM-PM database, the two- and three-dimensional X-ray and other imaging data, findings, anamnesis documentation and final reports collected during the lifetime of a citizen are stored in a central database. Changes during screening examinations can be traced. One of the most valuable is dental documentation. All information linked to the individual is stored with AM ID, which is also linked to passport and ID card information. In the event of an accident, post-mortem data is also stored in the AM-PM database, which is saved with a PM ID. With the help of a smart algorithm, the AM-PM ID match helps to identify the victim. In the case of missing persons, it is important that the missing person’s medical AM documentation, if not already stored, is immediately included, since when identifying an unknown body, it is probably best to start the search among the missing persons first.
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