Design and construction of remote patient monitoring device

Journal of Physics: Conference Series(2021)

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Health care services are important part of the society, automating these services lessen the burden on humans and eases the measuring/monitoring process. The construction of local remote patient monitoring system (RPMS) was done using the Arduino Uno connected to the global system for mobile (GSM) module SIM 800a, heart pulse sensor and body temperature sensors. It worked with 5 V power supply and the output is read on the liquid crystal display (LCD). The constructed device was tested by measuring the body temperature, heart pulse and electrocardiogram (ECG). The testing was conducted on 5 willing students and the values measured were within the normal body temperature between 36.1 to 37.2 °C. The device also sent message to alert the doctor when the value went below the prescribed value. The response time of the the device to send and receive short message service (SMS) is between 6 s to 13 s. The RPMS worked as intended and when improved upon by neater coupling and packaging, it will be a sellable low-cost product to the country locals as health care monitoring device.
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