Cold in-place recycling of aged and deteriorated asphalt and concrete pavements

Ș Zghibarcea,D Ungureanu,N Țăranu, D Hoha,RA Polcovnicu, TA Leizeriuc

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering(2021)

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Abstract This study focuses on implementing two distinct recycling methods, the reclaimed asphalt pavement and the reclaimed concrete material, on classical road pavements, by totally replacing the surface or base courses with ones made with recovered materials. The majority of the road networks in the eastern European countries were built between 1950 and 1980 and are, nowadays, aged and degraded. Within this frame, the cold in-place recycling methods were developed, which can be applied to both asphalt and concrete pavements. During the cold in-place recycling process, the reclaimed asphalt or concrete materials do not leave the construction site at all, but they are processed on the spot and reused immediately. Thus, the material is granulated to the desired depth, mixed with the binding agent and water and then repaved and compacted in a new layer. One of the most significant benefits of the cold in-place recycling process is that the material is simultaneously recycled and mixed with the binding agent, enabling the road pavement to be strengthened without the need to import expensive virgin aggregates. This work describes the manufacturing technology and the equipment train used to cold recycle aged and deteriorated asphalt and concrete pavements.
concrete pavements,asphalt,in-place
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