A New Approach in Cyber Security of Industrial Control Systems: Li-Fi

Journal of Polytechnic(2021)

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Industrial Control Systems used in the control of critical infrastructures, especially in smart grids, have made a rapid transition from an isolated network architecture to wired and wireless external networks due to the factors that facilitate human life such as productivity, economy and speed. With this transition, industrial control systems specific protocols have become insufficient and hybrid protocols have started to be used. As a result, the vulnerabilities specific to the internet and new protocols besides the vulnerabilities specific to industrial control systems have started to threaten control systems. In this study, the usability of the Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) transmission infrastructure in data transmission was investigated as a solution proposal for the smart city / network infrastructure where attack of False Data Injection carried out. This study will make important contributions to the studies carried out for industrial control systems security.
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Li-Fi, ICS cyber security, ICS forensics, false data injection, wireless network
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