Cancer Registry of Population in the City Ozyorsk: Structure of Malignant Neoplasms First Diagnosed in Period From 1948 to 2016

P. Okatenko, E. Fomin, E. Denisova,I. Kuznetsova,M. Sokolnikov, N. Koshurnikova

Medical Radiology and radiation safety(2021)

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Purpose: The analysis of the structure of malignant neoplasms (MN) incidence among the population in the city Ozyorsk, located near Mayak Production Association, based on the information from the territorial cancer registry. Materials and methods: There were 14681 first diagnosed cases of malignant neoplasms at the period from 1948 to 2016 in the territorial cancer registry of Ozyorsk. The diagnoses were verified by all available medical documents. The structure of MN incidence, vital status of diseased people, age in a year of diagnostics, rank distribution of the basic localizations were studied. Results: For 70 years period of follow-up there were 7676 cases from 14681 of MN incidence cases during the last 17 years (from 2000 to 2017) – as much as for the previous 51 years of follow-up from 1948 to 1999 (7005 cases). In the MN structure solid cancer constitutes 94.5 %, hemoblastoses – 5.5 %. As at December 31, 2016 23.3 % of the diseased people were alive, 75.2 % died from all causes, 1.5 % lost to follow-up. The cause of 80,6 % deaths was MN. Age in the year of diagnostics constitutes 61,7 years. 75.8 % diagnoses have morphological confirmation. During the entire period of follow-up first three places belong to lung cancer, gastric cancer and prostate cancer for males; breast cancer, gastric cancer and colon cancer for females in the MN structure. Conclusions: During the period from 1948 to 2016 the growth of the first diagnosed MN cases among the population of Ozyorsk was a result of the population doubling and a fourfold increase of the citizens over the age of 50. Developed and supported cancer registry allows to analyze and partially control oncological situation in the closed cities of Rosatom.
malignant neoplasms,city ozyorsk,cancer
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