Energy-efficient effect evaluation of air-source heat pump engineering in a hotel

Zhonglan Hou,Xinli Wei,Shuman Guo, Aiping Zhang,Xiang Qin, Bingxue Zhang

International Journal of Ambient Energy(2022)

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Adopting the comprehensive correction coefficient and the three-phase statistical approach of electricity charge, energy saving and its benefit were identified. When electric boilers were replaced by air-source heat pumps to produce hot water in a hotel, the annual-saving electricity and energy-saving benefits were 443700 kWh and 363400 Yuan, and the ratio of energy-saving and energy-saving benefits were 63.45% and 71.24%, respectively. The COP of this project was increased from 0.8 to 3.52, and the annual CO2 emission reduction was 552.85 tCO2. The power consumption and cost per ton of hot water were 12.44 kWh and 7.13 Yuan, respectively. The comprehensive correction coefficient was proposed, considering a three-phase statistical approach of electricity charge, namely peak, flat and valley periods. The innovative method can be applied to energy-efficient effect evaluation when some problems cannot be solved according to the standards.
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