A Case Report of Delayed Hemothorax Complicated by Fibrothorax

Tanvi Chokshi, Alexandra Theodosopoulos, Ethan Wilson,Michael Ysit, Sameir Alhadi, Leonard Ranasinghe

Asploro Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Case Reports(2021)

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Delayed hemothorax is a potentially life-threatening complication of thoracic trauma that should be carefully considered in all patients presenting with thoracic injury. We report a case of delayed hemothorax in a 77-year-old male presenting eleven days’ status post multiple right mid- to high-rib fractures. His case was complicated by retained hemothorax after CT-guided chest-tube with subsequent video-assisted tube thoracostomy (VATS) revealing fibrothorax necessitating conversion to open thoracotomy. Known risk factors for development of delayed hemothorax include older patient age, three or more rib fractures, and presence of mid- to high-rib fractures, and should be used in risk stratification of thoracic trauma. Tube thoracostomy is often sufficient in management of delayed hemothorax. In rare cases, hemothoraces can be complicated by retained hemothorax or fibrothorax, which require more invasive therapy and carry greater morbidity and mortality.
delayed hemothorax complicated,case report
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