Numerical Comparison of Transpiration Cooling Designs Using Real Gas Effects and Approximate Gas Model

Journal of Physics: Conference Series(2021)

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Abstract In the severe high-temperature environment caused by aerodynamic heating, the vibrational excitation, dissociation and ionization of gas may successively occur, which are known as real gas effects. Under the real gas effects, the thermodynamic properties of gas vary drastically and significantly influence the performances of the active thermal protection system of hypersonic vehicles, especially in the case with coolant outflow, for example transpiration cooling. This paper numerically investigates the transpiration cooling performance with the consideration of the interaction between coolant outflow and hypersonic flow under the real gas effects. The mathematical models and coupled numerical strategy are firstly validated by experimental data, then the influences of real gas effects on the transpiration cooling of a wedged leading edge (WLE) are studied under a flight Mach number range from 8 to 12 and a flight height of 40 km. The analysis and discussions of the numerical results reveal some important phenomena and demonstrate the need to consider real gas effects.
transpiration cooling designs,approximate gas model,real gas effects,numerical comparison
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