Smart Beef-Quality Tracking In Malaysia Using Blockchain Technology

Journal of Independent Studies and Research Computing(2021)

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Concerns and awareness on beef quality and safety are increasing among the consumers. Beef that is being served to the customers has to be of good quality and safe to eat, as well as to prevent foodborne illnesses. Hence, it is important to ensure good meat quality during the process of beef production. The existing beef supply chain systems lack transparency, as a result, a hike in food frauds has been witnessed in Malaysia. Consequently, it is hard to infer if the beef reaching the consumers is safe and wholesome. Besides that, the existing supply chains have a time-consuming and tiring procedure of product tracking, which is not desirable for consumers and other various stakeholders involved. To mitigate this issue, in this paper, we propose the use of blockchain technology for beef supply chain to maintain the transparency of ingredients and processes used in beef production. This will strengthen the trust of consumer in the company and ensure that the produced beef is contamination free and healthy. The study comprehensively highlights the feasibility blockchain technology to be implemented in the beef supply chain to make it transparent, secure and easily trackable.
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