Simulation model for evaluation of ergonomic load in the use of exoskeletons

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering(2021)

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Abstract For the analysis of musculoskeletal workload and associated potential hazardous working conditions as well as musculoskeletal symptoms in worker populations among various occupations different approaches are taken, and extensive data collection studies are being accomplished. Questions are targeted on musculoskeletal workload and associated potentially hazardous working conditions can be categorized into seven indices (force, dynamic and static load, repetitive load, climatic factors, vibration and ergonomic environmental factors). Evaluation focus on standing, sitting, walking and uncomfortable postures, the indices constitute a brief overview of the main findings on musculoskeletal workload and associated potentially hazardous working conditions. The validity of the findings is fair when compared with an index of psychosocial working conditions and discomfort during exposure to physical loads. Worker groups with contrasting musculoskeletal loads can be differentiated on the basis of the indices and other factors. It appears that most indices and factors show significant associations with low back and/or neck-shoulder symptoms. This simulation model NIOSH analysis can be used as a simple and quick approach to identify worker groups in which a more thorough ergonomic analysis indicates possible improvements in load factor using particular exoskeletons at work.
ergonomic load,simulation
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