Kati Chu BSS External Genital Organ Delivery Syndrome: Inguinal Pedicle Flap Plasty

Koniba Keita, Sidiki Keita,Oulematou Coulibaly, Abdoulaye Diarra,Fodé Mory Keita,Boubacar Kone, Lassina Traoré, Salia Coulibaly,Amadou Traoré, Assitan Kone, Amadou Kassogué,Issa Traoré, Oumou Traoré,Ismael Konaré, Daouda Diallo,Drissa Traoré,Bacary T. Dembélé

Surgical Science(2021)

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Fournier’s syndrome is a poly microbial necrotizing fasciitis, of severe evolution of the perineum and external genitals. Objectives: We report the experience of the service in the management of Fournier gangrene of the external genital organs by inguinal flap pediculated in front of the loss of significant substances of the scrotum. Patients and method: This was a mono-centric retrospective study from January 2008 to August 2021 in the General Surgery Department of the Bocar Sidi Sall University Hospital (CHU BSS) in Kati. It focused on patients treated for Fournier gangrene of external genitals. The variables studied were age, sex, blood count, germs encountered, the antibiogram, duration of evolution, reconstruction of the scrotum by pedicle flap, and morbidity. Results: During the study period we collected 5 cases of Fournier gangrene of external genitals in the service. The average age was 57.6 years and all the patients were male. The average duration of evolution was 5 days for an average age of 57.6 years. All patients were male. Echerichia coli (E. coli) was the frequently observed germ followed by Enterobacter fécalis (E. fecalis). They were resistant to the usual antibiotics. The germs were 100% sensitive to imipeneme and nitrofurantoin, 70% to gentamycin. The wide necrosectomy followed 3 weeks later by the inguinal flap pedicular plasty greatly improved the surgical procedures. Conclusion: Fournier’s syndrome is a medical surgical emergency whose prognosis is strongly related to early management.
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