Principal component analysis in determining representative financial ratios within non-life insurance sector in Serbia

Ekonomika preduzeca(2021)

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The paper deals with the application of principal component analysis in determining financial ratios that are representative within non-life insurance sector. Starting from many financial indicators found in the literature in the field of insurance, the purpose of the study is to identify a smaller set of ratios that are most relevant for assessing the financial position and performance of non-life insurance companies in Serbia with a minimum loss of information. On the basis of financial reports of nonlife and composite insurers in the period 2010-2019, we calculated 38 financial ratios, grouped into seven categories (capital adequacy, asset quality, reinsurance risk and performance, adequacy of technical reserves, profitability, liquidity and management soundness). Using parallel analysis and Velicer's minimum average partial test, we found that it is possible to explain 85% of variability of the initial set of ratios with six financial ratios. The obtained results can be used for the purposes of efficient financial analysis of individual insurance companies and the entire nonlife insurance sector in Serbia.
representative financial ratios,insurance,non-life
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