Research on Low-power Monitoring Technology of Transmission Line Galloping Based on Accelerometer Combined with Inertial Measurement Unit

Minghao Zhang,Jialun Yang,Bin Liu,Xiao Ma

2021 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Smart Grid (ICWCSG)(2021)

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Conductor galloping can cause serious adverse effect on transmission line operation. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power system, it is necessary to carry out a monitoring and analysis method of the galloping state in an intelligent way. So far, the existing monitoring method still have some limitation such as high power consumption, high cost and low accuracy, which are difficult to meet the huge demand of comprehensive perception. In view of this, a low-power and high- accuracy transmission line galloping monitoring scheme based on acceleration sensor combined with inertial measurement unit (IMU) is put forward in this paper. Firstly, based on the acceleration sensor, the low-power edge calculation of the galloping amplitude is carried out by using the frequency domain integration method with the help of Fourier transformation algorithm. After the amplitude reaching the preset value, the IMU inside the device is automatically activated. By reading acceleration and angular velocity from IMU, the Quaternion Algorithm is adopted to realize the high-precision measurement of amplitude and trajectory through time domain integration method. Based on the multi-sensor joint algorithm, the sensor can achieve the high accuracy of the galloping characteristic parameters and the minimum power consumption. At the same time, an elliptical trajectory simulation device is designed to test the algorithm. Compared with the traditional method, all the calculation was done inside the sensor, which reduced the data scale and power consumption significantly. With the improvement in reliability, intelligence and accuracy of the sensor, this method can strongly support the daily maintenance work of transmission lines.
component,galloping monitoring,transmission line,intelligent sensor,low-power
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