Bli venn med maten: evaluering av et lavterskel kurstilbud for personer med overspisingsproblematikk

Cathrine Nitter,Kari Anne Vrabel,Per-Einar Binder, Irene Kingswick

Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening(2022)

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This study evaluates a mindful eating-based program for people with self-reported binge eating problems. The study was initiated by a non-governmental eating disorder interest organization. Participants met once a week over eight weeks. The Eating Disorder Questionnaire (EDE-Q) and three subscales of the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) were used to measure eating pathology, self-compassion and mindfulness before, after, and six-months after the program. Results: Significant improvements in EDE-Q and SCS scores were found, and results remained stable at the six-month follow-up. The number of binge eating days decreased significantly during the study, both from before to after program participation, and from post-program participation to six-month follow-up. Conclusion: Future studies investigating the current program are clearly needed. These preliminary results are nonetheless encouraging and illustrate that mindful eating-based interventions as an interesting treatment avenue for individuals with binge eating pathology, a group which currently has few treatment options available to them.
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