Research regarding the efficiency of soybean cultivation in different tillage systems and their influence on soil compaction, accumulation and water storage

Romanian Journal for Plant Protection(2021)

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In the last years there has been a slight increase in average annual temperatures, as well as a high fluctuation in the distribution of rainfall, thus the reduction of the effects of atmospheric and pedological drought is part of the reasons that determine the orientation towards new variants of soil tillage. The experiment conceived and performed at ARDS Turda includes four variants of soil tillage: plow with the turn of the furrow (CS), chisel (MT), disk (MD) and no tillage (NT), in a 3-year crop rotation of soybean - winter wheat - maize. The momentary water reserve was higher in the MD and NT system compared to the CS, MT. The specific resistance of the soil to penetration (Rp) in NT, MD are higher compared to the CS and MT systems. Soybeans can be cultivated in a MT, the yield difference compared to the CS is 107 kg/ha. Compared to CS (66.5 L/ha) significant reductions of diesel consumption are made in the MD system (21 L/ha) and in the NT (31.7 L/ha).
soybean cultivation,different tillage systems,tillage systems,soil compaction
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