Analysis of the beryllium stability under standard and critical operation in a fusion reactor

I. A. Sokolov, M. K. Skakov, A. Zh. Miniyazov, B. T. Aubakirov, T. R. Tulenbergenov,A. V. Gradoboev

Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials(2021)

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The paper provides data on the peculiarity of change in the structure, structural phase changes and destructions in beryllium resulting from interaction with a near-wall plasma of fusion facilities. Beryllium resistance under conditions of ITER operation was evaluated, which considers factors leading to possible partial melting and erosion of panels of the ITER first wall. It presents the modelling of a heat s distribution in element (”finger”) of the first wall at ”normal” and ”increased” heat flux of the ITER operation.
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Key words
iter,beryllium,plasma,tokamak,fusion,electron beam,heat load,hydrogen
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