Reducing dose of Cone-Beam CT used for patient positioning in radiooncology

Verena Gorges,Waldemar Zylka

Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering(2021)

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Abstract Cone-Beam computed tomography (CBCT) has become the most important component of modern radiotherapy for positioning tumor patients directly before treatment. In this work we investigate alternations to standard acquisition protocol, called preset, for patients with a tumor in the thoracic region. The effects of the changed acquisition parameters on the image quality are evaluated using the Catphan Phantom and the image analysis software Smári. The weighted CT dose index (CTDIW) is determined in each case and the effects of the different acquisition protocols on the patient dose are classified accordingly. Additionally, the clinical suitability of alternative presets is tested by investigating correctness of image registration using the CIRS thorax phantom. The results show that a significant dose reduction can be achieved. It can be reduced by 51% for a full rotation by adjusting the gantry speed. A more patientspecific uptake protocol for patients with laterally located tumor was created which allows a dose reduction of 54%.
cone-beam,computer tomography,dose,reduction,patient position,radiooncology
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