The modelling and application of cross-scale human behavior in realizing the shop-floor digital twin

Tingyu Liu, Mengming Xia,Qing Hong,Yifeng Sun, Pei Zhang,Liang Fu, Ke Chen

Digital Twin(2021)

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The digital twin shop-floor has received much attention from the manufacturing industry as it is an important way to upgrade the shop-floor digitally and intelligently. As a key part of the shop-floor, humans' high autonomy and uncertainty leads to the difficulty in digital twin modeling of human behavior. Therefore, the modeling system for cross-scale human behavior in digital twin shop-floors was developed, powered by the data fusion of macro-behavior and micro-behavior virtual models. Shop-floor human macro-behavior mainly refers to the role of the human and their real-time position. Shop-floor micro-behavior mainly refers to real-time human limb posture and production behavior at their workstation. In this study, we reviewed and summarized a set of theoretical systems for cross-scale human behavior modeling in digital twin shop-floors. Based on this theoretical system, we then reviewed modeling theory and technology from macro-behavior and micro-behavior aspects to analyze the research status of shop-floor human behavior modeling. Lastly, we discuss and offer opinion on the application of cross-scale human behavior modeling in digital twin shop-floors. Cross-scale human behavior modeling is the key for realizing closed-loop interactive drive of human behavior in digital twin shop-floors.
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