The effect of the exclusion of the authorized economic operator for customs brokers in brazil

Kemily Victoria Luz Santos,Cristiano Morini

Customs Research and Applications Journal(2021)

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Brazil joined the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) program, established as a standard by the World Customs Organization, in 2014. In 2018, the change in legislation excluded the category of customs brokers from the certified entities. This research aims to address the reasons and consequences of the exclusion of the certificate to the category of customs brokers. This exclusion took place because many customs brokers filed lawsuits to acquire the certificate, without taking the exam. This analysis comes through survey type research, applied to customs brokers who had the certificate and those who did not, from a Customs broker association from the state of Sao Paulo, in which they described the main impacts caused in their profession. Sao Paulo state is the biggest import and export state and contains the main airports and ports in Brazil. The lack of certification in the customs broker´s chain may ameliorate the security controls in the whole international trade chain. This paper is especially useful because we present results that come up from a service provider in the global supply chain, as well as the effects that took place in Brazil may occur in other countries.
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