Translation, Validity and Reliability of Roles Conflict and Roles Ambiguity Inventory (RCRAI) among Trainee Counselors in Public Universities in Malaysia

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences(2021)

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The Roles Conflict and Roles Ambiguity Inventory (RCRAI) is developed by Olk & Friedlander (1992) to measure the roles conflict and roles ambiguity experienced by trainee counselors in the clinical supervision. The purpose of this study was to translate RCRAI from English to Malay language, then to access the validity and reliability of the inventory within the Malay culture. This study used the back translation methods as suggested by Brislin, Lonner, and Thondike (1973). There were six translator panels appointed to conduct the translation process. The items in RCRAI were translated from English into Malay version according to local values and cultures by three panels, and then retranslated into original language by the remainder. Subsequently, the RCRAI in the Malay version was evaluated by four other experts to validate its contents. Next, the reliability analysis of RCRAI was conducted to trainee counselors at UPSI n=30, meanwhile in the real study, the analysis was run on nine public universities in Malaysia namely UPSI, UM, USIM, UPM, UUM, UMT, UIAM, UNIMAS, and UMS with the number of sample n=204. The result revealed the coefficient value of content validity obtained for each item is high with maximum value =.95 and minimum value =.78, while the coefficient value for each sub scale was also high with roles conflict =.87 and roles ambiguity =.90. Finally, the reliability value of RCRAI in the pilot study for roles conflict ?=.78 and roles ambiguity ?=.86; whereas in the actual study, the roles conflict and roles ambiguity were respectively ?=.95 and ?=.95 respectively. Conclusively, this study proved empirically that the RCRAI translation has succeeded, reliable and valid for Malaysian trainee counselors.
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Key words
roles ambiguity inventory,roles conflict,trainee counselors
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