Effective Techniques for Pedestrian Detection in Smart Autonomous Vehicles


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Pedestrians are essential objects in computer vision. Pedestrian detection in images or videos plays an important role in many applications such as real-time monitoring, counting pedestrians at various events, detecting falls of the elderly, etc. It is formulated as a problem of the automatic identification and location of pedestrians in pictures or videos. In real images, the art of pedestrian detection is an important task for major applications such as video surveillance, autonomous driving systems, etc. Pedestrian detection is also an important feature of the autonomous vehicle driving system because it identifies pedestrians and minimizes accidents between vehicles and pedestrians. The research trend in the field of vehicle electronics and driving safety, vision-based pedestrian recognition technologies for smart vehicles have established themselves loudly or slowing down the vehicle. In general, the visual pedestrian detection progression capable of be busted down into three consecutive steps: pedestrian detection, pedestrian recognition, and pedestrian tracking. There is also visual pedestrian recognition in the vehicle. Finally, we study the challenges and evolution of research in the future.
pedestrian detection,smart autonomous vehicles,effective techniques
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