Actors and Intentions in the Dissemination of Robotic Process Automation in Social Work

Progress in ISService Automation in the Public Sector(2022)

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Automated decision-making is prevalent in numerous areas of the public sector. Based on the results of a qualitative, event-based study of how robotic process automation (RPA) is discussed and implemented in social work in Sweden, two questions are answered in this paper: What actors, intentions and network formations appear in the dissemination of RPA in the management of applications for social assistance in Sweden? What are the key, sometimes conflicting, intentions from a social work and a general public sector perspective? A spectrum of national, municipal and local actors—including technologies such as e-applications and RPA—are actively involved in the dissemination. A few important intentions are, for example, promoting the use of RPA, saving time and resources and answering the issue of ‘why’ RPA should be implemented. From a social work perspective, a key consideration and conflict relates to the core of social work, especially regarding the intention of helping people to become self-supporting. The more general considerations are related to intentions about implementing RPA to improve efficiency and effectiveness, as well as caseworkers’ discretion in view of laws regulating automated decision-making. Future research should focus on the actual effects of RPA on efficiency and effectiveness and caseworkers’ discretion in view of new laws and longer experiences with RPA.
robotic process automation,social work,intentions
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