Real-world evidence market: key players and key segments

Real-World Data & Evidence(2022)

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Real-world data (RWD) and real-world evidence (RWE) are a valuable resource in the healthcare system. They may be necessary for administrators (to create and improve algorithms for treating patients with various nosologies), physicians (to make a better clinical decision in favor of the patient) and directly to patients and their relatives (to better understand the treatment process). The creators of this data are also the physicians, patients and health care organizations. To process such a volume of data, specialized specialists are needed — mathematicians, data specialists, biostatistics, which in turn generates a service sector in the field of RWD/RWE. Depending on the component, the market is segmented into datasets and services. In 2020, the services segment held a large share — 58.8% of the global RWE solutions market. The market for these services and the data itself is growing every year and is projected to reach 2.3 billion US dollars by 2026.
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evidence,market,key players,real-world
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