An Analytical Hierarchy Process Investigation on High Speed Data Implementations Using Big Data

2022 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)(2022)

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Present Research tells about the intensity of information and communication technology by analytical hierarchy process utilized in a major big data study to convey data abouthow to make framework which will allow expanding and testing a lot of registering gadgets and a centerSoftware. The explanation of this task is to build the investigation framework for the rapid huge information preparing methodology and to get the center Software and standard ability. The explanation of this investigation is to execute the probability examination on this task. This examinationis utilizing the Analytic Hierarchy Process technique. It is built up the exact investigation process andcan quick demonstrate the intensity of the undertaking by manipulative the loads of the appraisalmethod. The result of this investigation, the total score by Analytic Hierarchy Process examination is 0.869. It demonstrates the execution if task is Possible.
high speed implementation processing,big data,plausibility study,analytical hierarchy process
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