Diversity of Eel (Glass Eel) Based on Morphometric Measurements in the Konaweha River, Southeast Sulawesi

Advances in Biological Sciences ResearchProceedings of the International Conference on Improving Tropical Animal Production for Food Security (ITAPS 2021)(2022)

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Eel has economic value and nutritional content needed by the body. The demand for eel continues to increase both in fresh and processed forms. The activity of using eel in the waters of the Konaweha River is still very low; this is related to the low understanding of the community regarding the economic value, nutritional content, cultivation process and processed eel. This study aims to determine the diversity of species of glass eel caught in the Konaweha River estuary, Southeast Sulawesi. Identification of the species of glass eel is determined based on the morphometric character of the percentage value of the ratio of the length of the ano-dorsal length (AD) and the total length (TL) AD/TL (%). There were two species of glass eel caught during the study, namely Anguilla bicolor pacific (49.21%) and Anguilla marmorata (50.79%). Counseling related to utilization and management needs to be applied so that eel fish resources can be sustainable and used continuously.
eel,morphometric measurements,konaweha river,diversity
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