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Vision of the project of modeling informational transparency of sites of higher education institutions

H.Y. Kucherova, Y.V. Honcharenko,V.O. Los

Visnik Zaporiz'kogo nacional'nogo universitetu. Ekonomicni nauki(2021)

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The openness of all activities of business entities, ensuring free access of stakeholders to the results of activities, complete disclosure of information online, form the basis for decisions by entities on further interaction.Therefore, one of the key today's challenge is to develop modern approaches, models and methods of studying information transparency as a phenomenon that is the source of modern reforms, digitalization, concepts of corporate governance, information society, social responsibility, quality and accessibility of education.The article is devoted to substantiation of the vision of the project of modeling of information transparency of sites of domestic institutions of higher education.In the course of the research the methods of project management, substantiation, financial analysis, synthesis, generalization, graphic were used.The authors propose the concept of modeling the information transparency of higher education institutions online in the context of digitalization of the economy.The concept is based on the principles and provisions of the strategy for the development of an open information society, social responsibility, corporate governance, modern reforms of the educational space and modern requirements for quality assurance in higher education, trends in digitalization of socio-economic processes.The scientific result represents a comprehensive vision of the project, the main idea of which is to ensure informational transparency of higher education institutions online through modeling and project management.The practical significance of the project vision is to substantiate the direction of changes in the parameters (content, structure, etc.) of higher education sites based on modeling the behavior of stakeholders, assessing information transparency of higher education institutions, their competitive advantages, site usability research, quality of educational services.actions of quarantine restrictions.The prospect of the study is the implementation of certain areas of modeling the information transparency of higher education institutions online.
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Key words
higher education,institutions,informational,modeling
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