Flere ting på en gang? Pluralisme i lydlig erfaring og utøvelse

Andreas Barth,Erik C. Fooladi

Stemma og stilla i musikk og litteratur: Festskrift til Magnar Åm(2022)

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Herein, we circle around a sound phenomenon that may appear trivial but that under closer investigation turns out to be both complex and manifold: The sound of water poured into a glass or mug. We use existing research from various disciplines as well as our own sound recordings, and thus explore both scientific and aesthetic aspects of the sound of hot and cold water, and the differences between the two. Drawing on the thinkers Bateson, Berlin, and Dewey, we discuss relations between «trivial issues» and «the large questions» (Bateson), whether a phenomenon can be more than one thing at the same time (Berlin), and human experiences in encounters with the phenomenon (Dewey). We discuss this against various forms of interdisciplinarity and collaboration across traditional epistemic boundaries and hierarchies. This way, we reflect upon how an everyday phenomenon can be a meeting place between the aesthetic, educational and scientific, both with regards to this specific phenomenon, and on a more general basis.
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