Using real-time cell analysis to measure cell contraction

Cell Movement in Health and Disease(2022)

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Investigation of cell movement is critical for biological sciences. Therefore, real-time measurement of cellular behavioral changes is needed. Real-time cell analysis (RTCA) enables continuous, label-free monitoring of cell movement, cytotoxicity, proliferation, or death because RTCA biosensors automatically and dynamically measure changes in cell number and morphology leading to the change of cell index (see Glossary). The reagents such as chemical compounds or pharmaceuticals can be added at any time, and the corresponding changes can be monitored continuously over days. In this chapter, the principle and composition of the RTCA DP (dual purpose) system are introduced in detail. In addition, usage of the RTCA DP system to measure the contraction of rat airway smooth muscle cells induced by acetylcholine is described and discussed.
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