Updates on CEA Design and Experimental Activities on EU DEMO TF System

L. Zani,F. Bonne,V. Corato,P. Decool, P. Hertout,C. Hoa, G. Jiolat, B. Jose,Q. Le Coz,B. Lacroix,N. Misiara, C. Nguyen Tran Dao,S. Nicollet,F. Nunio, J. Qin,K. Sedlak,A. Torre,R. Vallcorba, Y. Wu, Y. Zhang

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity(2022)

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In the framework of EU design activities for dimensioning the future fusion DEMOnstration reactor (DEMO), in-depth analyses were conducted in EUROfusion context, aiming to define the design of the DEMO magnets system. For the last DEMO baseline, CEA has proposed for Toroidal Field (TF) coils a concept with radial plates (named WP#4) which is ITER-like, with a round conductor embedded in steel plates. In order to consolidate this design, CEA conducted fine analyses that assess thermal hydraulic and mechanical aspects to allow ensuring compliance with design criteria. The outcomes of theses analyses were used to improve the TF design in order to avoid relying on conservative approaches at pre-design stage, which often end up in material over dimensioning, that penalize cost and space occupation. In this regard, two improving approaches will be exposed, that deal with mechanical consideration and temperature operation, together with future perspectives. On the other hand, CEA designed and manufactured in collaboration with ASIPP a full-size conductor sample derived from a previous TF CEA concept (square-in-square conductor) which is expected to operate at 88 kA and 12T. The two conductor legs of this sample were designed by CEA and manufactured by ASIPP following an extensive quality assurance (QA) preparation process. The sample is presently in course of assembly in CEA Cadarache and is expected to be tested in SULTAN facility (Villigen, CH) to assess its behaviour in both DC and AC regimes. An overview of the status of activities and future perspectives is given in this paper.
Conductors, Stress, Superconducting magnets, Toroidal magnetic fields, Europe, Costs, Windings, DEMO, LTS, Nb3Sn, nuclear fusion, super- conducting magnets, TF coils
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