Supersymmetric Wigner–Dunkl quantum mechanics

Results in Physics(2022)

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Wigner–Dunkl quantum mechanics can be viewed as deformed quantum mechanics, where the commutator between canonical momentum and position operators contains in addition a reflection operator. In the present work we carry over the general concepts of supersymmetric (SUSY) quantum mechanics to the Wigner–Dunkl quantum formulation. We investigate the SUSY ground states, the SUSY transformations and introduce a generalized shape invariance allowing for explicit solutions. In this way, exact solutions for a certain class of SUSY potentials can be provided. As example the harmonic oscillator is considered. We also take a look into a singular oscillator model, which does not belong to the shape-invariance class. Nevertheless, exact solutions can be provided, showing the peculiarities of that model in the SUSY Wigner–Dunkl quantum mechanics. A modification of that singular model is presented which restores shape invariance
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Key words
Supersymmetric,Wigner–Dunkl quantum,Deformed quantum mechanics
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