Short communication: Variation of deadwood density by decay class in Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco) stands in Italy

Forest Systems(2022)

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Aim of the study: To estimate fresh and basic density values of Douglas fir deadwood for the five decay classes used in the National Forest Inventories (NFIs). Area of study: Rincine forest in Tuscany region (Italy). Material and methods: 140 samples of Douglas fir deadwood (28 for each decay class; 14 of which were collected in summer and 14 in winter) were collected and analysed in the laboratory. The samples were weighed fresh, then placed in the oven for 3 days at 60°C. Afterwards the samples were weighed dried. The laboratory data were used to estimate moisture content (%), fresh and basic density by decay class. Main results: The results showed that the trend of basal density decreased from 1st to 5th decay class (0.43 g cm-3, 0.39 g cm-3, 0.37 g cm-3, 0.29 g cm-3 and 0.20 g cm-3). An average basic density of 0.34 g cm-3 could be used in future studies concerning the estimation of C-stock in Douglas fir deadwood. Research highlights: The moisture content of all decay classes of lying deadwood is influenced by the season (winter vs. summer) and consistent with the local climate regime.
lying deadwood, decomposition rate, decay classes, basic density, carbon pool
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