A Novel Approach for the Creation of Electrically Controlled LC:PDMS Microstructures


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This work presents research on unique optofluidic systems in the form of air channels fabricated in PDMS and infiltrated with liquid crystalline material. The proposed LC:PDMS structures represent an innovative solution due to the use of microchannel electrodes filled with a liquid metal alloy. The latter allows for the easy and dynamic reconfiguration of the system and eliminates technological issues experienced by other research groups. The paper discusses the design, fabrication, and testing methods for tunable LC:PDMS structures. Particular emphasis was placed on determining their properties after applying an external electric field, depending on the geometrical parameters of the system. The conclusions of the performed investigations may contribute to the definition of guidelines for both LC:PDMS devices and a new class of potential sensing elements utilizing polymers and liquid crystals in their structures.
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optofluidics, microfluidics, liquid crystal devices, PDMS, LC, PDMS
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