Perspective: School Meal Programs Require Higher Vitamin D Fortification Levels in Milk Products and Plant-Based Alternatives-Evidence from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES 2001-2018)


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Statement of Significance: We demonstrate that there is strong justification to require newly approved, enriched vitamin D-fortified foods in school meals, as school-aged children in America have inadequate vitamin D status. Poor vitamin D status impairs bone growth and immune defense in school-aged children and adolescents, particularly in minorities. Vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency increases the risk of acute viral respiratory infection, underscoring the need for adequate vitamin D intakes during school sessions when viral exposure may be greatest. We studied available vitamin D-related survey data and published findings based on NHANES (2001-2018) to assess the dependency of vitamin D status {25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D]; in nmol/L} on vitamin D intake (mu g/d) in elementary school-aged children (4-8 y), middle school children (9-13 y), and high school adolescents (14-18 y). We sought evidence supporting the need for school programs to facilitate vitamin D adequacy. Usual vitamin D intakes from food and beverages by children/adolescents (NHANES 2015-2018) examined at the 50th percentile intake by race/ethnicity (non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, Hispanic) showed all age groups consumed less than half of the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) for vitamin D (10 mu g/d), independent of race/ethnicity. NHANES (2001-2010) analyses show evidence of lower vitamin D status in school-aged children that is linked to lower intakes of fortified milk varying over race/ethnicity and age. Adolescents had lower vitamin D status and milk intake than younger children. A total of 22-44% of vitamin D intakes occurred away from home, with larger percentages of total intakes at breakfast and lunch, at times consistent with school meals. Ever-present inadequate vitamin D intakes with a large percentage consumed away from home together with well-established benefits to growth, bone, and immune defense from enriched vitamin D-fortified milk in school intervention trials provide strong justification to require enriched vitamin D-fortified foods in school meals. An easy to implement plan for improving vitamin D intakes is possible through the FDA's amendment allowing higher vitamin D fortification levels of dairy and plant-based milk alternatives that could increase vitamin D intakes beyond the EAR with just 2 daily servings.
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25-hydroxyvitamin D, vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D insufficiency, NHANES, school-aged children, adolescents, vitamin D-fortified milk, vitamin D-enriched milk, plant-based milk intended as milk alternatives, USDA school meal program
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