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Mouse-human species differences in early testicular development and its implications

Differentiation; research in biological diversity(2023)

Cited 3|Views7
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The mouse has been used as a model of human organogenesis with the tacit assumption that morphogenetic and molecular mechanisms in mice are translatable to human organogenesis. While many morphogenetic and mo-lecular mechanisms are shared in mice and humans, many anatomic, morphogenetic, and molecular differences have been noted. Two critical gaps in our knowledge prevent meaningful comparisons of mouse versus human testicular development: (a) human testicular development is profoundly under-represented in the literature, and (b) an absence of a detailed day-by-day ontogeny of mouse testicular development from E11.5 to E16.5 encompassing the ambisexual stage to seminiferous cord formation. To address these deficiencies, histologic and immunohistochemical studies were pursued in comparable stages of mouse and human testicular development with a particular emphasis on Leydig, Sertoli and myoid cells through review of the literature and new obser-vations. For example, an androgen-receptor-positive testicular medulla is present in the developing human testis but not in the developing mouse testis. The human testicular medulla and associated mesonephros were his-torically described as the source of Sertoli cells in seminiferous cords. Consistent with this idea, the profoundly androgen receptor (AR)-positive human testicular medulla was shown to be a zone of mesenchymal to epithelial transition and a zone from which AR-positive cells appear to migrate into the human testicular cortex. While mouse Sertoli and Leydig cells have been proposed to arise from coelomic epithelium, Sertoli (SOX9) or Leydig (HSD3B1) cell markers are absent from the immediate coelomic zone of the developing human testis, perhaps because Leydig and Sertoli cell precursors are undifferentiated when they egress from the coelomic epithelium. The origin of mouse and human myoid cells remains unclear. This study provides a detailed comparison of the early stages of testicular development in human and mouse emphasizing differences in developmental processes.
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Testis,Sertoli cells,Leydig cells,Peritubular myoid cells,Androgen receptor
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