Deciphering the RNA universe in sperm in its role as a vertical information carrier


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The inheritance of neurophysiologic and neuropsychologic complex diseases can only partly be explained by the Mendelian concept of genetic inheritance. Previous research showed that both psychological disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder and metabolic diseases are more prevalent in the progeny of affected parents. This could suggest an epigenetic mode of transmission. Human studies give first insight into the scope of intergenerational influence of stressors but are limited in exploring the underlying mechanisms. Animal models have elucidated the mechanistic underpinnings of epigenetic transmission. In this review, we summarize progress on the mechanisms of paternal intergenerational transmission by means of sperm RNA in mouse models. We discuss relevant details for the modelling of RNA-mediated transmission, point towards currently unanswered questions and propose experimental considerations for tackling these questions.
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Key words
sperm, epigenetic inheritance, RNA
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