Profiles of Occupational Burnout in the Group of Representatives of High-Risk Professions in Poland


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(1) Background: Working in a high-risk profession is associated with taking on a large responsibility and risking loss of health or life. These professions include, among others, air traffic controllers, firefighters, and ECDs. People working in these professions are particularly vulnerable to experiencing high levels of stress and developing professional burnout syndrome. The aim of the conducted research was to assess the external and internal differences in the intensity of occupational burnout dimensions among representatives of high-risk occupations and to distinguish burnout profiles among them. (2) Methods: The total number of participants working in high-risk occupations who took part in the study was N = 1239, including the following job positions: air traffic controllers (n = 107), firefighters (n = 580), and ECDs (n = 558). The respondents completed the following self-report questionnaires: a structured survey and the Link Burnout Questionnaire. The following statistical tests were performed: cluster analysis, analysis of variance, and chi-square test of independence. (3) Results: The highest intensity of burnout dimensions was presented by representatives of ECDs. Profiles reflecting the types of occupational burnout were distinguished. The representatives of air traffic controllers demonstrated the following profiles: 1-low risk of burnout with a component of psychophysical exhaustion; 2-exhausted with a moderate tendency to disappointment; 3-burned out, ineffective, and uninvolved. The profiles of the ECDs were: 4-engaged, with a reduced sense of effectiveness; 5-with a reduced sense of effectiveness; 6-burned out with a low sense of effectiveness. However, the profiles of the firefighters were: 7-not burned out; 8-at risk of burnout; 9-exhausted with a tendency towards disappointment. Individuals representing the various burnout profiles differed in terms of the severity of the dimensions of occupational burnout as well as sociodemographic and work-related characteristics. (4) Conclusions: The process of occupational burnout varies among people in various high-risk occupations and due to sociodemographic characteristics. The internal differentiation of people representing high-risk professions requires different psychological interventions and preventive measures.
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Key words
occupational burnout, high-risk professions, traffic controllers, firefighters, ECDs
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